Disco Pre-lysium

If Disco Elysium was prototyped today.

Disco Elysium official artwork, Copyright ZA/UM

In this exercise, I'll simulate the planning stage of Disco Elysium using a variety of prototyping techniques:

  • wireframing
  • sketching
  • narrative prototyping


Here we try a bunch of screen layouts, colour-coded as follows:

  • dialogue
  • inventory
  • world


On the left, we split gameplay and conversation down the middle, but it feels like we're giving too much space to the conversation. We try to make it smaller, but is it too small?

wireframe 1
  • dialogue
  • inventory
  • world


Let's try thirds. That looks nice. OK, how about inventory? On the left below gameplay, or on the right below the conversation?

wireframe 2
  • dialogue
  • inventory
  • world


Definitely below conversation, so we can have a nice, large gameplay area. But let's not be all squares. How about a trapezoid? And a ...bit... more space for conversation. OK, that looks good.

wireframe 3
  • dialogue
  • inventory
  • world


Right, that's a good layout. Let's see some rough concept art in it, shall we?

wireframe final choice


Dark and gritty, just like the protagonist.

Rough sketch of game world and some characters
Robert Kurvitz
Robert Kurvitz, lead game designer

OK, stop. I know this is based on my novel and all, but is there a way we can test the dialogue before we spend LOADS of time drawing stuff and coding something?

I mean, we already spent LOADS of time on the wireframes...

narrative prototyping

We've got just the tool.


You mean this?

The wrong kind of Twine

Not THAT kind of Twine...

narrative prototyping

The right kind of Twine

This next section is Copyright © Alexei Pepers / @ampepers

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