Here’s what I’m doing right now…
I’m still working on one of the ideas I had in March (more on that later), but got side-tracked into a project for the FCDO (revamping Travel Alerts). I’m also writing a very short story of a little girl and an abandoned train station (inspired by my daughter, who’s quite the writer herself). I plan to add some pictures to it and make a short picture book.
I’m reading the Broken Earth series by N. K. Jemisin.
I’ve spent the last year diving deep into the world of NLP and language models, which is a great addition to the computer vision expertise I’ve built up via I’m embarking on a few new apps that will leverage these skills, and the plan is time-box each prototype to 1 week, with a view to gather some metrics and decide on the next steps. It’s great to get into the maker and product-focused mindset again.
I’m reading David Deutsch and I’m about half way through Fabric (taking it slow 😂).
The new home office is completed. Thread here.
For my game, I spend most of the last month stealing re-usable code from prototypes, archiving useless docs, cleaning up the mood board, tidying the design doc, cleaning up Trello, and finally have a nice action plan to start the Production phase. (Although, there might be another 2 sneaky prototypes due for some tiny new ideas I had. There’s no escaping the ideas!)
Next week, I’m starting a new client engagement as well, with Cytora, where we’ll be digitising risk with the help of AI/ML.
I’m reading The Incal.
Right now, I’m working with the machine learning team at, on content verification (the stuff our AI doc says) and patient simulation.
Gamedev is somewhat on hold, as the new garden office will only be built in January.
I’ve just finished a re-read of China Miéville’s The Scar, and started on Nic Bostrom’s Superintelligence.